简介:Veer Khurana and Koyal Chadda are a mismatched couple, who get into an arranged marriage. A case of mistaken identity forces this newly married couple to go on the run on their wedding night and search for the mysterious "Charlie".
简介:别名:Diario de un vicio.....Argentina / Spain在这部风格强烈、离经叛道的黑色喜剧中,本尼图用日记写下自己的性幻想与渴求。当他结束了与美丽荡妇路吉娅的忽冷忽热的关系后,他的思想逐渐变得怪异。行为上,他不可抑止地一有机会就跟女人搭讪骗她们上床。随之,他的生活受到日记中性幻想的侵蚀,变得愈加阴暗颓废,与此同时他在现实世界却感到越来越平淡乏味,直到最后连自己也一并消失掉
简介:Clint Ramsey has to leave his job working at Martin Bormann's gas station and flee after his wife is murdered by psycho cop Harry Sledge, who tries to pin the murder on Clint. Crossing America, Clint gets sexually harassed on all sides by various voluptuous nymphomaniacs, and it all ends in a literally explosive climax.
简介:别名:Sapore di donna 由Mario Gariazzo执导的情色电影德米星级。佩里移动到迈阿密,他的叔叔是老师,在医学院学习。他决定从女性朋友(情人德米)他的母亲,谁拥有一所房子,租一个房间。它的存在,在那里他开始幻想着女人的美丽的女儿(黛博拉卡利)。他很快就成为了很好的朋友的女儿,希拉,但他们的友谊之前采取下一个步骤,他开始有欲望希拉的母亲......情人德米和黛博拉卡利星级丁度.巴拉斯在;红辣椒 。出色的表演!