简介:Milan. On the night before his retirement after 35 years without having fired a shot, Lieutenant Amore sees his world turned upside down. But maybe it is the world around him that has changed. A thriller poised perilously between law and criminality.
简介:故事开始于位于北加州的一所精神病院中,米尔德(莎拉·保罗森 Sarah Paulson 饰)是医院里新来的护士,这位初出茅庐但能力超群的女士很快就赢得了院长汉诺威医生(乔恩·琼·布里恩斯 Jon Jon Briones 饰)信赖,这令勤勤恳恳在医院里工作了一辈子的护士长贝奇(朱迪·戴维斯 Judy Davis 饰)感到十分眼红。
简介:The year is 1992. The country formerly known as the U.S.A. is now called Eden, a technocracy ruled by propaganda and corruption. Super-soldier Dolph Laserhawk has just been betrayed by the love of his life and locked up in Eden's top security prison Supermaxx. He must now lead a team of rebel outcasts on risky undercover missions in order to survive.
简介:Zoey Miller, a super smart senior in high school and uninterested in romantic love, has her life turned upside down when Zack, the most popular boy in school, gets amnesia and mistakes Zoey for his girlfriend.
简介:Abi is going cold turkey, her family have taken her to a cabin in the woods so she is away from the city. However, little do they know, The Three Blind Mice is more than just a fairy tale.. And they may be next up on the menu.
简介:Three sister reunite for a family inheritance only to confront their longtime issues. They're left to remain in a doll house to collect the money but instead are plunged into a nightmare they must survive. A killer wants them and their friends dead.
简介:It follows Reno, a newly married gunfighter seeking a quiet life with his bride. yuankan.cc When Reno kills a bandit in self-defense, he finds them both pulled back into his old ways. Clarence Bishop, the corrupt mayor of their locale will not let his brother's death go unpunished.
简介:改編自法國知名作家 Philippe Besson 的獲獎小說,帶我們穿越時空和情感。著名作家 Stéphane 回到家鄉小城昂古萊姆,不禁泛起對初戀情人 Thomas 的痛苦回憶片段;與 Thomas 兒子 Lucas 的意外邂逅,長期悄然不宣的秘密終於昭然若揭。隨著兩段時間線交錯展開,Stéphane 一方面亟欲擺脫舊日戀愛遺痕,一方面掙扎著要向他仍然深愛的男人的兒子揭露真相。
简介:Maddie, a bullied teen, receives support from someone online - her deceased father, David. His consciousness has been uploaded to the cloud after an experimental brain scan. Turns out, he's not the only one.