简介:When her husband finds himself unemployed and emasculated, pressure mounts on Helena to provide for her family. However, a sinister otherworldly presence seems dead set on undermining her new business enterprise. Juliana Rojas and Marco Dutra devilishly meld economic realities with fantastical horror in this ambitious debut.
简介:一场车祸夺去了父母的性命,年幼的奥斯卡和妹妹琳达发誓永不分开。成年后,奥斯卡(Nathaniel Brown 饰)漂泊来至东京,为了实现童年的誓言,他以兜售毒品赚取钱财,终于为琳达(Paz de la Huerta 饰)挣得了飞来东京的机票。兄妹相遇,却终是随波逐流的个体。在这个繁花乱坠迷人眼的大都会,奥斯卡继续进行毒品交易,而琳达则在一家夜总会大跳艳舞。在一次交易时,奥斯卡遭到警察围捕,混乱中更被枪击身亡。他的意识渐渐脱离肉体,穿梭在东京的大街小巷,关注跟随每一个在他生命中留下痕迹的人,等待着下一场不知何时才会开始的轮回……
简介:Payton Collins: Serial Rapist is a delicious new slice of "Darkotica"™ from director Toby Ross - featuring plenty of full frontal nudity from an adorable cast of hung young dudes sporting sizeable erections.
简介:This Thai flick is pretty funky in its’ production values and acting level – plays kind of like a high-school made video. The ‘plot’ involves the ‘ghost’ of a girl who was saved from a rape by a witch/ghost who then inhabits her body and wreaks vengeance on a series of unsuspecting guys by murdering them during sex (chomping off their privates!). A group of students makes a fie...