简介:露丝·威尔森将主演新片[关于我的真相](True Things About Me,暂译)。裘德·洛与合伙人通过旗下公司Riff Raff Entertainment挑选了剧本和女主威尔森。威尔森也将与裘德·洛等一同参与制片。本片由哈莉·伍特里夫([只有你])自编自导,改编自黛博拉·凯·戴维斯的同名小说,讲述了一个生活在社会边缘的年轻女子被一个陌生人颠覆平静生活的故事。影片将于2020年初开拍。
简介:本片是由法国MK2电影公司2009年出品的电脑动画作品,请区别梦工厂在2011年出品的《穿靴子的猫(Puss in Boots)》。 故事叙述因父亲逝世而继承父业的磨坊小主人小皮耶(PetitPierre),也同时继承了一只具有魔力,会说人话,又会唱歌、跳舞逗人开心的可爱长靴猫,而它一切魔力的来源似乎来自于它的一双美丽长靴…。由于主人小皮耶爱上了美丽的玛侬公主(PrincessManon),因此长靴猫的任务就是要协助主人克服重重困难,摆脱恶毒阴险的国王侍卫与怪物的纠缠,一起赢得公主芳心……而他们究竟会不会成功呢?
简介:Ulderico Quario hires as servant a very beautiful young woman: Teresa AKAS Tirisin. Ulderico decides to proceed like a new Pygmalion. He teaches her the art of seductions. But Teresa together with Cecchina starts using the new skills to oblige Ulderico to marry her and later to get all his inheritance. But none can seduce the destiny.
简介:Three young people arrive from different parts of the country to go to college in Sao Paulo. On their first day there, a strange and intense attraction unites them. Together, they rent an apartment and begin living together, in close quarters. Sharing kisses and fond embraces. They exchange words of endearment with the naturalness of ordering a sandwich at a diner. They threate...
简介:Warning for naive people!this is a very adult movie. I had caught the first one so i rented this out of curiosity and because i think Lila Baumann is hot! The movies has a British feel in it though i seriously doubt whether the cast is British as some of them spoke a bad imitation of the accent. Connoisseurs of beautiful nude women will love this movie as good looking girls are...
简介:来自乡村的绰号;意大利人的女学生(Iwona Petry 饰)热情、奔放,她希望在华沙找到一间公寓。籍此机缘,她和人类学教授米切尔(Boguslaw Linda 饰),后者向女学生提供了他弟弟的房子。两人相约来到公寓,却很快也变成一场狂野的x愛。不久,米切尔和学生在市郊发现了一具拥有两千多年历史且保存完好的黄教僧干尸。这具干尸似乎拥有某种魔力,米切尔愈加沉迷其中。他与未婚妻和朋友相继决裂,高涨的欲望让他一心耽恋和;意大利;的肉欲之中。随着时间推移,他甚至发现,自己竟可以和黄教僧进行精神层面的交流
简介:Loosely based on the gruesome case of the Lonely Hearts Killers, who murdered as many as 20 women in the 1940s, Alleluia is not for the faint-hearted. Gloria (Lola Dueñas, Volver), a single mother and morgue attendant, reluctantly goes on a dinner date with shoe salesman Michel (Laurent Lucas, In My Skin) after her friend sets up an online dating profile on her behalf. The nigh...