简介:卢克领导着一个诈骗集团在芝加哥附近的约里埃特行骗。这天,手下人向他交了一大笔刚刚骗了的钱。不久,卢克就遭到了谋杀。原来,这笔钱是芝加哥的黑社会头目朗尼根(罗伯特•肖 Robert Shaw 饰)刚刚收回的赌款,正是这笔钱令卢克引火烧身。 胡克(罗伯特•雷德福 Robert Redford 饰)是卢克的一个手下,卢克平日待他如亲生儿子一般,生前就想把他介绍到芝加哥的好友骗术大师冈多夫(保罗•纽曼 Paul Newman 饰)处学艺。胡克发誓要给卢克报仇,于是前往芝加哥寻找冈多夫。胡克顺利找到了冈多夫,听闻这次的对头是朗尼根,冈多夫马上摩拳擦掌。于是,一个天衣无缝的行骗计划开始了!
简介:Found Love. Still Lost. Life & Beth returns for a new season filled with new laughs, new challenges, and new love. Come along for the wild ride as we dive into all things Beth.
简介:The Garden Left Behind traces the relationship between Tina, a young transwoman, and Eliana, her grandmother, as they navigate Tina's transition and struggle to build a life for themselves as undocumented immigrants in New York City.
简介:“Bad Monkey” tells the story of Andrew Yancy (Vince Vaughn), who has been bounced from the Miami Police Department and is now a health inspector in the Keys. But after stumbling upon a case that begins with a human arm fished up by tourists, he realizes that if he can prove murder, he’ll be back in. He just needs to get past a trove of Floridian oddballs and one bad monkey.
简介:An Aeroplane hijack where a soldier helps the passenger and fight against the terrorist. But the damage to the flight engine made it very tough to survive the situation.
简介:第七集中超能力少女来对抗冷血杀手,到底谁胜谁负?剧情描述神经失常的冷血杀手杰森在上一集被水晶湖底的铁链锁住了,无法再回到陆上行凶,露营区终于恢复了平静。不料,能够预知未来和对幽浮物体具有超感应能力的少女汀娜(Jennifer Banko 饰),意外地开启了杰森的锁链,使杰森从水中的坟墓逃了出来,于是另一场惊人的大屠杀又开始了。汀娜能不能利用自己的超能力去阻止杰森?还是这一次杰森将永远地留在世上作恶?