简介:On Christmas Eve in 1968 six-year-old army brat Clairee simultaneously learns the hard truth about Santa Claus and the realities of war. Her bullying older brother Mickey informs her that Santa insn't real and that their absent father is actually far away, serving his country in the Vietnam War
简介:Esmeralda是位聪明美丽而又骁勇善战的公主,Don Juan是个性感、帅气敢于笑对危难的男孩。这两个西班牙的拥护者同Don Juan的侍从Miguel一路上欢歌笑语、载歌载舞、大张旗鼓地行进着,开始他们的冒险之旅,他们将从可恶的Teutonic Krankenmal手中拯救女王的英国表弟。偷偷溜进坏人的据点与之对抗,与玩具士兵疯狂地拼杀,Don Juan 和Miguel 接受Krankenmal的挑战,把圣杯带来给他。不久他们在英国小丑的房子里找到了圣餐杯,就是一个很小的酒杯。然而,Esmeralda不见了,Don Juan 和Miguel唱着令人振奋的歌曲“lost princess”并与当地的英国村民共同起舞...