简介:When Layla, a struggling Arab drag queen, falls in love for the first time, they lose and find themself in a transformative relationship that tests who they really are.
Allison Tolman饰演Alma,一个胆怯而笨拙的家庭主妇,她面对残酷的世界仍然保持着乐观。Alma十分渴望在当地的花园俱乐部有一席之地,盼着自己笨手笨脚的女儿早点嫁出去。但在她了解到自己丈夫的秘密爱好后,生活被彻底打乱了。
Nick Frost饰演Alma深爱的丈夫Bertram。他是一名兽医,每天都在帮助生病受伤的动物摆脱痛苦。Bertram一向和蔼可亲、风趣幽默,但他有着一个秘密嗜好,比他友好天性所呈现的要更为黑暗
简介:Sheltering from the 1918 Spanish Flu at their seaside estate, a Progressive journalist and his socialite wife take in a mysterious grifter as a private cook. But when the plague descends on the posh island, the family and staff find themselves cut off from society and, like castaways, struggling to survive. The new cook sees an opportunity to rouse his fellow staff to re-think their stations and have the run of the mansion for themselves. Their employer suspects the cook’s coup is part of a far more sinister agenda. It is not long before the mind games between master and servant breed an all-out war for dominance over the home. Social restraints crack apart. And civility gives way to animal instincts that lurk beneath…
简介:来自乡村的绰号;意大利人的女学生(Iwona Petry 饰)热情、奔放,她希望在华沙找到一间公寓。籍此机缘,她和人类学教授米切尔(Boguslaw Linda 饰),后者向女学生提供了他弟弟的房子。两人相约来到公寓,却很快也变成一场狂野的x愛。不久,米切尔和学生在市郊发现了一具拥有两千多年历史且保存完好的黄教僧干尸。这具干尸似乎拥有某种魔力,米切尔愈加沉迷其中。他与未婚妻和朋友相继决裂,高涨的欲望让他一心耽恋和;意大利;的肉欲之中。随着时间推移,他甚至发现,自己竟可以和黄教僧进行精神层面的交流
简介:英文名:I frati rossi (1988) 一名年轻的女子嫁给一个看似迷人的年轻男子,并移动到他的古老豪宅。她很快就学会了喜新厌旧的豪宅和它的居民,而她得到沮丧在他的深夜活动丈夫的秘密和下面的地牢中的内容。至于头开始推出她发现丈夫的过去和他连接到一些邪教称为红色僧侣。然而,等到他发现关于她的过去。