Allison Tolman饰演Alma,一个胆怯而笨拙的家庭主妇,她面对残酷的世界仍然保持着乐观。Alma十分渴望在当地的花园俱乐部有一席之地,盼着自己笨手笨脚的女儿早点嫁出去。但在她了解到自己丈夫的秘密爱好后,生活被彻底打乱了。
Nick Frost饰演Alma深爱的丈夫Bertram。他是一名兽医,每天都在帮助生病受伤的动物摆脱痛苦。Bertram一向和蔼可亲、风趣幽默,但他有着一个秘密嗜好,比他友好天性所呈现的要更为黑暗
简介:Since his father found a mysterious package and heard the eerie sounds of an indigenous tribe, ARDI and his family have experienced strange events. SUCIPTO (his father), MARNI (his mother), and ARIF (his younger brother) all fell ill, one by one. Ardi and his younger sister, SYIFA, believe this is the result of a santet (a deadly curse), and they will be the next victims. It is.